Title: Attorney At Law Phone: 1(888) 8CL-O777
Attorney Loretta D. Collins is a United States Navy Veteran. She is licensed in the states of Alabama, Colorado & Nebraska. She gives a personal touch to every case and keeps her clients informed at every juncture of their case. Her staff is professional, experienced, and courteous. She is a tough, God fearing negotiator. She is ethical and strives to take the highest moral ground because she answers to a Higher Authority.
Additional Personal Information for Atty. Collins:
♦ Received J.D. from Texas Southern University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Houston, TX
♦ B.S. from Samford University, Birmingham, AL
♦ A.S. from Bee County College in Beeville TX in Pre-law Studies
♦ 9 years U.S. Navy Veteran, (Honorably discharged)